Live extraordinary experiences in the wild nature of Tzoumerka.
Vögel beobachten, Geländewagen-Safari, Wandern in der Natur
Die Berge Tzoumerkas sind eine wichtige Anlaufstelle für Naturliebhaber mit einzigartigen Routen für Geländewagen-Safari und Wanderausflügen.
Rafting, Kanu- und Kayakfahren, Schluchtenwandern
Genießen Sie die kristallklaren Flüsse Tzoumerkas. Z.B ganzjährig beim Rafting auf dem Arachthos, einem der schönsten Flüsse Griechenlands oder auf einer der schwierigeren Routen.
Wandern, Bergsteigen, Felsenklettern, Mountainbike fahren
Atemberaubend schöne Pfade durch Wälder, Flüsse, Schluchten und auf Berggipfel mit diversen Schwierigkeitsgraden, ganz nach Ihren Vorlieben.
Erleben Sie die Natur
Jeder Eindruck von Tzoumerka schafft Freude und Wohlergehen..
Umgeben von Fichten, Zedern, Flüssen, Bogenbrücken und Quellen haben Besucher eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten zum Wandern.
The area has a big variety of trails with different sceneries, with different difficulties, durations and altitude gradients.
Anavasi – Pramanta
An amazing trail, starting from the hotel, through the pine forest, with springs and stone founts, ending to the biggest village in Tzoumerka, Pramanta.
Altitude gradient: 920m. -1100m. -840m.
Trail time: 2.5 hrs
Difficulty: Easy
Good for children and families.
Anavasi – Pramanta refuge – Waterfalls – Melissourgoi refuge – Katsantonis cave – Ag. Paraskeui
monastery – Anavasi
The trail is 90% through pine forest and 10% alpine zone. On the trail you can see an amazing plateau with beautiful view, the tallest waterfall in Greece, 350m tall, the Pramanta and Melissourgoi refuges, the Katsantonis cave and the historical Ag. Paraskeui monastery.
Altitude gradient: 1270m. -1370m. -1023m.
Trail time: 4.5 hrs
Difficulty: Easy
Kipina – Kouiasa
This trail without an altitude gradient is on the riverside of Kalarritikos river. An incredibly beautiful and easy trail where you find a stone bridge, a watermill, waterfalls and lakes, with the finale being the big lake of Kouiasa.
Altitude Gradient: 0
Trail time: 45΄
Difficulty: Easy
The stone villages trail
Starting at Sirrako, 1150m, a village full of tradition built with stones. We continue down to the Chrousias canyon and then go up to the Kalarrites village, 1120m, known for their silver craftsmanship, originating from the famous Bulgari and Nessi families. The village also has 23 small stone bridges. Then we walk down to the stone bridge of Kouiasa at the Kalarritikos river and see waterfalls and lakes.
Altitude gradient: 1150m. – 900m. – 1120m. 800m.
Trail time: 3 hrs
Difficulty: Easy
The monastery trail
After seeing the byzantine Kipina Monastery built on steep rock on 1212, you follow a trail to the Viliza Monastery which is located between 2 rivers in an amazing spot. The trail is through dense vegetation.
Altitude gradient: 1000m. – 760m. – 1100m.
Trail time: 3 hrs
Difficulty: Intermediate
Melissourgoi refuge – Agathi spring – Melissourgoi
This is a beautiful and easy trail, where someone can see the bewitchment of the forest and the rivers. A forest with firwood, mistletoe and amazing mountain peaks.
Altitude gradient: 1023m. – 1230m. – 1000m.
Trail time: 3.5 hrs
Difficulty: Easy
Matsouki – Kallarytes – Syrrako:
The path, which is comfortable and recently reconstructed, starts from Matsouki and heads to the Monastery “Vyliza”. Then, descending the Grand Stream, it goes through dense deciduous forests. As it goes up, it reaches the asphalt road that leads to the village Kallarytes. It crosses the village and continues towards Syrrako.
Other options: Matsouki-Vyliza and back: 1 hour
Matsouki-Kallarytes: 2 hours
Kallarytes-Syrrako: 1.5 hours
Trail of Pritsialias
This is a trail near the river that starts from the monastery of Theotokos and reaches the church of Ag. Vasilios, with the amazing view of the Tzoumerka peaks and the Arachthos valley. Both the scenery and the trail are through the forest. The trail is easy and for all ages. The distance is 6km and takes about 2 hours. In the middle of the trail you can stop at the Plaka bridge, which used to be the biggest arched bridge in Greece before it broke down due to a flood.
Altitude gradient :250m.-200m.
Trail time: 2 hrs
Difficulty: Easy
Trail of Vidra
This trail is by the Arachthos river with a few exceptions. It is a beautiful trail that leads up to waterfalls. While you walk on the trail you also find beaches where you can swim. Vidra in Greek means Otter.
Altitude gradient: 250m.-200m.
Trail time: 3 hrs
Difficulty: Easy
Part of the trail is recommended, since the full trail is 7 hours long.
Prices for guides for the trails
For most of the trails it is not required to have a guide.
For easy – intermediate trails
For 2 people: 35 euro
For 4 people: 40 euro plus 5 euro/person after 4
For difficult trails
50 euro/person. (Discussable in case of more than 2 people)

Falls man wenig Zeit hat, stellt sich einem das Dilemma, welchen Berg man zuerst
erklimmen möchte. Es beeindrucken Berge wie Stroggoula, Kakarditsa, Peristeri…
Conquer the peaks of Tzoumerka
Stroggoula peak
An amazing trail with beautiful view once you reach the peak, which is above the Pramanta refuge and is a demanding 3 hour walk. Through fir forest and alpine zone, you start at 1050m and reach up to 2112m. From the top you can see as far as the Amvrakikos gulf and the highest peaks of Pindos.
Altitude gradient: 1050m. – 2112m.
Trail time: 3 hrs to the top and 2.5 hrs back
Difficulty: Intermediate – Difficult.
Crossing Stroggoula
The hike to the top is from the same route as before, but afterwards it follows the northern ridge, up to the rocky peak of Roka. Next it moves west and passing by Analipsi it ends up in Agnanta.
Trail time: 8 hrs
Melissourgoi – Rouista Kakarditsas
The trail begins from the village Melissourgoi and starts by going down to the base of Melissourgiotikos. Then it follows the old trail of the shepperds going up to the Cross and then following the ridge reaches the Rouista peak in Kakarditsa.
Trail time: 3.5 hrs
Hiking at Katafidi
The route starts at the village Katarraktis and reaches the tallest peak of Tzoumerka, Katafidi, up to 2.394m.
Trail time: 5 hrs
Crossing Agia Paraskeui of Agnanta
The trail starts above Agnanta, from the Katafigio settlement. It crosses a fir forest and ends up at the Agia Paraskeui peak and then continues south towards the waterfalls above the Katarraktis (which means waterfall) village.
Trail time: 2 hrs
Theodoriana Waterfalls
The route starts in the Theodoriana village and follows the old trail or forest road to a mountainous path which leads to the Theodoriana waterfalls, which have water all year round.
Trail time: 1.5 hrs
Prices for guides for the trails
For most of the trails it is not required to have a guide.
For easy – intermediate trails
for 2 people: 35 euro.
for 4 people: 40 euro plus 5 euro/person after 4.
For difficult trails
50 euro/person.(Discussable in case of more than 2 people)
Mountainbike fahren
Für Mountainbike-Fans gibt es ideale Bedingungen und die Wahl zwischen langen und kurzen Strecken mit unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgraden.
Mountain Biking
For the lovers of mountain biking, these routes and other, smaller routes are offered.
Tsopela – Agnanta
The route goes through forest roads, starting from the Monastery
of Agia Paraskevi. As it passes down the slope of Strogoula, it heads southwest until
it reaches Agnada after the trip’s 15th km.
Tzoumerka Bike Marathon
Every September a 85km mountain bike race round
Tzoumerka is organized, crossing the villages Katarraktis, Agnada, Pramanta,
Melissourgoi, Kato Kostilata, Voulgareli, Pater Kosmas, Katarraktis.

Vögel beobachten
Für Vogel- und Naturfreunde ist die Tzoumerka Region ein wichtiger Anlaufpunkt.
The Tzoumerka mountains make up a very important destination for nature and bird enthusiasts. The combination of high peaks and green hills full of spruce, hides a large amount of birds. Inside the fir forest, the visitor can look for special species like the black woodpecker, the white-backed woodpecker, the European crested tit, but also more common ones like the hawfinch, the European robin or finches. On the tall naked peaks and alpine fields, the visitor can admire species rare to watch like the golden eagle, which is the kind of the mountains, the griffon vulture, the egyptian vulture, the short-toed snake eagle, the alpine chough, the common rock thrush, the rock partridge and whoever can reach the altitude of 2000 m. can easily see the horned lark and the alpine accentor.
Anyone who is interested in knowing about the bird universe in Tzoumerka and bird-watching, a specialised tou guide with knowledge and experience can tour you and reveal all the rare and remarkable species of the area.
Tour 1: Tzoumerka „Bird Safari“ on four wheels
The ideal route for everyone, who wants to observe the majority bird species of Tzoumerka
mountain range. During our tour we are going to visit the most distinctive and impressive
habitats of the area in order to spot the target bird species. Our tour starts from the village
of Tsopela, first stop the oak forest near Xristoi in order to spot woodland species like the
Middle spotted woodpecker, the European nuthatch, the Blue tit. Going on our tour and as
we approach the village of Matsouki, the deciduous forest is replaced by the dense forest of
firs, the perfect habitat for the Black woodpecker or the White-backed woodpecker.
Gradually, as we are going on higher altitude, it is time to admire the breathtaking alpine
habitat of Tzoumerka, dominant along our tour to the village of Kalarrites. The alpine
meadows and the high peaks are the ideal habitats of the Golden eagle, the Short-toed
eagle, the Griffon vulture, the Lesser kestrel, the Horned lark, the Rufous-tailed rock thrush.
Leaving back the village of Kalarrites, we are returning through the rocky area of the
monastery of Kipina, hoping to spot the challenging-to-observe Wallcreeper. The duration of
the tour is about 7 hours.
Price per person: 90€*
– For groups with more than 3 participants the price is at 70€/person*
Maximum number of participants: 8
(*including taxes )
Tour 2: From ‘’Ligkorema’’ to ‘’Gerakovouni’’
Everyone who wants to combine birdwatching and trekking, has to try this tour. We start
from ‘’Ligkorema’’ and our goal is to observe the alpine bird species of Tzoumerka. Some of
the most impressive birds that we are going to observe are the Rufous-tailed rock thrush,
the Rock bunting, the Wheatear, the Tawny pipit. Also, this area is the main habitat for many
raptors like the Golden eagle, the Short-toed eagle, the Peregrine falcon, the Buzzard. Our
destination is the altitude of 2000 metres in ‘’Gerakovouni’’, in order to spot species of the
high mountains, like the Horned lark, the Alpine accentor and the White-winged snowfinch.
The total duration of the tour is 5 hours and all you need is to be ready for trekking.
Price per person: 70€*
– For groups with more than 3 participants the price is at 60€/person*
Maximum number of participants: 8
(*including taxes )
Organisierte Freizeitaktivitäten
Eine Vielzahl von bekannten Unternehmen mit Fokus auf Outdoor-
Freizeitgestaltungsmöglichkeiten, bieten in der Region ihre Dienste an. Ob
Wasser- oder alpiner Sport, sowohl für Extremsportler als auch Familien
stehen diverse sichere und leicht zugängliche Angebote zur Verfügung.
Für Wasserratten organisiert unser Hotel in Kooperation mit qualifizierten Partnern
Raftingtouren im Arachthos und Kalarritikos.
Rafting - Monoraft - Hotdog - Kayak
Conquer the wild waters of Arachthos, in the most beautiful routes of Greece
The Arachthos gorge: (Politsa bridge – Plaka bridge)
The 9km route begins from „Politsa“ bridge (Ampelochori) and finishes at „Plaka“ bridge.
The difficulty level is II to III and it is suitable for beginners. It is considered not only one
of the most beautiful rafting routes in Greece, but also one of the most beautiful routes
in Europe. The water level is high all year round.
The Arachthos canyon: (Gogos bridge – Plaka brigde)
The trip starts from „Tsibovo“ bridge (in Charokopi). The most difficult section begins
within the first meters and is called „Sympligades“. The difficulty level is IV. As you go
down the river although the difficulty level reduces, there are many difficulty degree III
paths until the route is united with the river „Kalarrytikos“. Then it goes in the „Arachthos“
gorge and ends at „Plaka“ bridge with a total route length of 18 km. There is a very high
water level from March until May.
The Kalarrytikos (Gogos bridge – Plaka bridge)
The trip starts from „Gogos” bridge (Michalitsi) and initially, the route goes through a
very narrow gorge. The difficulty level is III to IV, until it joins the river “Arachthos”. Then
it continues to the “Arachthos” gorge, all the way up to “Plaka” bridge with a total route
length of 17 km. There is a high water level from March until May.
The Lower Arachthos (Plaka bridge – Tzary bridge)
The route goes through the lower river Arachthos’ course with many difficulty degree
II/III paths and an overall length of 12 km.
Price: 30€/person

Für die mutigen und abenteuerlustigen Extremsportliebhaber steht die ‘‘Pyli tou
paradeisou‘‘ (Himmelspforte), die beeindruckendste Schlucht Griechenlands bereit.
Im Sommer sowie im Winter bestehen in der Region Klettermöglichkeiten, außerdem gibt es eine Kletterwand.
Rock Climbing
Aside from wall climbing indoors, the area contains rock climbing as well as frozen waterfall ice-climbing for extreme moods.
Rock climbing
The Climbing of Kataraktis. The route of „Katarraktis“ is on the cliffs where the village’s
waterfalls are. „Katarraktis“ actually means waterfall in Greek. There are equipped difficulty
degree IV/ VII routes that are one to four ropes long. The rock is a very good limestone and
there is permanent security equipment and abseiling.
Winter ice-climbing – mixed
On the northern slopes of Strogoula’s peak, there are icy gutters in certain winter
months, which allow the ice climbing. In addition, at the same peak, mixed rock or ice
climbing on edges that lead to the top are available.

Das Abenteuer einer faszinierenden 4×4 Jeep Safari kann man in Tzoumerka auf
verschiedenen Routen genießen.
4x4 Off-Road Safari
Breath-taking mountainous routes and routes through the forest with 4×4
Jeep Tours
1. The Round of Tzoumerka.
The route goes through the villages Pramanta,
Melissourgoi, Stavros of Melissourgoi, Theodoriana, Stavros of Theodoriana,
Voulgareli, Pater Kosmas, Katarraktis, Agnada, Ktistades, Pramanta. It has a total
length of 85-100km (depending on the route followed). It can be carried out from
July to October when the Melissourgoi-Theodoriana road is open.
2. The Crossing of Tzoumerka.
Beginning from Agia Faneromeni of Katarraktis, you
reach the mountain refugee and after you reach the top of Katafidi, you start to
descend east towards the village Theodoriana. Total route length: 30km.
3. The ascend of Kakarditsa.
The route starts from Kritharia, which is above Matsouki,
and heads south. The Kakarditsa range is east. Below the main peak of Kakarditsa,
you can follow an offshoot towards Matsouki only in the summer, or you can
continue to the top of Rouista.
4. The crossing of Peristeri.
The route starts from Sirrako heading north and it crosses
the mountains of Peristeri. It goes under the main peak of the mountain called
Tsoukarela, and finishes at Peristeri, near Metsovo. Total route length: 35km.